Here is a summary of enforced City parking codes:
- 72 hour parking limit — No vehicle can be left standing on a street longer than 72 hours . Vehicles may be parked on a public street for 72 hours unless otherwise prohibited, such as street sweeping days. They must be in operable condition and currently registered. If not, they may be cited and/or towed away. If you would like a street sweeping schedule for your address you can call 951.413.3340.
- Vehicle repair in street — It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in the street for the purpose of servicing or repairing such vehicle.
- Current Registration — Vehicle must have current month and year tabs displayed on the license plate attached to the vehicle.
- Curb parking — Vehicles parked upon a roadway adjacent to a curb must be stopped with the right-hand wheel of the vehicle parallel with and within eighteen inches of the curb. Therefore, a vehicle is illegally parked and subject to a ticket if it is stopped or parked on the roadway in a direction opposite to the normal flow of traffic. Vehicle must face the flow of traffic.
- Fire hydrants — Do not park within fifteen feet (15’) of any fire hydrant.
- Fire lanes — Only emergency vehicles may park in a fire lane.
- Sidewalk — Do not park on/over or encroaching the sidewalk.
- Unattached Trailers — It is unlawful to park any trailer on the street not attached to a vehicle. These vehicles may be parked in your driveway. If you need to park the trailer in the street, then you must leave it attached to a vehicle and it cannot be parked in the street for more than 72 hours.
- Commercial vehicles — Commercial truck parking in Moreno Valley is not allowed in residential or commercial areas. A commercial truck is any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of over 10,000 pounds. Commercial truck parking is only allowed in designated areas of the City: Moreno Valley Truck Parking Map.
- Spaces designated for the disabled — It is unlawful for any person to park, stop, stand or block a stall designated for the disabled unless the driver or occupant of the vehicle is in possession of a valid handicap placard. It is unlawful for any person to park in the crosshatch area adjacent to the stall designated for the disabled.
- Unimproved surface — It is unlawful to park on any unimproved surface such as a front lawn, side yard/lawn or dirt. Motor vehicles, motor homes, trailers, campers and boats must be parked on an improved surface.
- Inoperable or Incomplete Vehicles — It is unlawful to park wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles, or parts thereof, on private or public property in public view.
- Abandoned Vehicles — Vehicles may be towed from the street or public or private property when an Officer has reasonable grounds to believe it is abandoned.
- Parking Tickets — Be sure to pay you parking tickets! Vehicles can and will be impounded for more than 5 unpaid delinquent parking tickets. You will not be able to recover your vehicle until you show proof that the registration is current and all outstanding tickets are paid.