Catalytic Converter Theft Tipline

The City of Moreno Valley is working hard to end catalytic converter theft in our community. Catalytic converter theft has spiked dramatically in recent years, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau. In 2021, California reported roughly 37% of the nation’s catalytic converter theft claims.
For Residents
If you are a victim of catalytic converter theft, please call the Moreno Valley Police Department at 951. 247.8700. If the incident is an emergency or actively occurring, dial 911.
If you are aware of a business engaging in illegal activity pertaining to catalytic converters call our tip line at 951.413.3335 or 951.413.3340 or use this form:
For Business
Core recyclers of catalytic converters, are now required by the State of California to perform following:
- Maintain a mandatory written record (including year, make, model of the vehicle from which the converter was removed
- Copy of the title of the vehicle from which the converter was removed
- Purchase converters from only commercial enterprises or a verified vehicle owner
- First Conviction: $1,000 penalty plus $100 Municipal Administrative Citation.
- Second Conviction: Penalty no less than $2,000 plus $200 Municipal Administrative Citation. In addition, the seller may be ordered to cease engaging in the business for up to 30 days
- Third and subsequent offenses: Up to $4,000 penalty plus $500 Municipal Administrative Citation. The offender must also cease engaging in the business for one year.
Total possible penalty: $7800
California Governance for Catalytic Converter Recyclers
California State Assembly Bill 1740 and Senate Bill 1087 impose additional requirements for recyclers of catalytic converters. Selling to recyclers is how thieves make money stealing.
- Assembly Bill No. 1740
Existing law requires a core recycler, as defined, who accepts a catalytic converter for recycling to maintain a written record of specified information regarding the transaction, including the item type and quantity, the amount paid for the catalytic converter, an identification number, if any, and the vehicle identification number, for not less than 2 years. It would also require a core recycler to include additional information in the written record, including the year, make, model, and title of the vehicle from which the catalytic converter was removed. Recyclers are prohibited from entering a transaction to purchase or receive a catalytic converter from a person that is not a commercial enterprise, as defined, or a verifiable owner of the vehicle from which the catalytic converter was removed, as specified. By imposing new requirements on core recyclers, the violation of which would be a crime. See attached SB 1087 Bill for further information.See Bill 1740 for further information.
- Senate Bill No. 1087
Existing law requires a core recycler that accepts, ships, or sells used catalytic converters to maintain specified information regarding the purchase and sale of the catalytic converters. It also prohibits a core recycler from providing payment for a catalytic converter unless the payment is made by check, the check is mailed or provided no earlier than 3 days after the date of sale, unless the seller is a business, and the core recycler obtains a photograph or video of the seller, a written statement regarding the origin of the catalytic converter, and certain other identifying information. Existing law exempts from this requirement a core recycler that buys used catalytic converters, transmissions, or other parts removed from a vehicle if the core recycler and the seller have a written agreement for the transaction. Existing law requires a core recycler to provide this information for inspection by local law enforcement upon demand. Also, prohibits any person from purchasing a used catalytic converter from anybody other than certain specified sellers, including an automobile dismantler, an automotive repair dealer, or an individual possessing documentation, as specified, that they are the lawful owner of the catalytic converter. See SB 1087 Bill for further information.