Page 15 - Moreno Valley City Manager's Report for 2024
P. 15
* Total = Average
JAN-23 FEB-23 MAR-23 APR-23 MAY-23 JUN-23 JUL-23 AUG-23 SEP-23 OCT-23 NOV-23 DEC-23 TOTAL
Total # of Active Career City Employees 326 325 326 378 375 374 374 373 376 379 376 367 362*
Total # of New Hires 7 3 3 2 4 3 5 6 3 6 1 1 44
Total # of Separations 3 4 2 - 7 4 5 7 - 3 4 10 49
# of Contract Class Sessions Conducted 97 129 132 121 120 152 126 116 120 148 116 124 1,501
# of Recreation Programs Participants 116 158 243 233 212 345 447 221 251 282 828 746 4,082
# of Seniors Registered at Senior Center 3,355 3,449 3,524 3,637 3,718 3,835 3,915 4,024 4,129 4,209 4,320 4,342 46,457
# of Senior Programs Attendance 3,218 3,147 3,783 3,884 4,103 3,457 4,198 4,365 4,079 4,535 3,458 3,633 45,860
# of Senior Meals Served (FSA & Senior Eats) 3,882 3,795 4,016 4,869 5,022 4,657 5,095 5,670 4,836 5,265 4,687 4,732 56,526
# of Facilities and Room Rentals 74 74 91 114 138 150 121 117 127 118 98 87 1,309
# of Customers Served at CRC Front Desk (physical) 432 594 632 349 338 479 342 346 272 190 203 153 4,330
# of Demonstration Garden Attendance 81 88 380 355 94 61 50 31 123 63 720 339 2,385
# of Resolved Graffiti-related Incidents 12 20 8 18 35 20 17 30 16 11 11 15 213
# of Landscape Services Calls for Service/Responses/Work Orders 5 5 11 19 18 24 24 31 26 14 19 19 215
# Landscape Services Volume of Water Used (million gallons) 3 1 1 2 7 10 12 16 18 14 13 9 107
# of Students Served in All After School Programs 5,975 6,054 6,139 6,114 6,006 3,418 219 6,341 6,750 6,825 6,777 6,642 67,260
# of Computer Sessions 2,239 2,218 2,469 2,576 2,575 2,563 4,389 3,224 3,081 3,170 2,253 2,070 32,827
# of Public Programs 105 121 132 121 115 111 119 113 103 116 92 71 1,319
# of Visitors 19,668 19,484 23,559 23,470 21,019 22,645 26,720 24,010 23,231 23,661 18,947 17,737 264,151
# of Circulated Items 20,170 19,794 21,480 20,696 20,787 22,297 23,802 21,750 22,599 23,086 21,525 20,329 258,315
# of Library Outreach Presentations - 2 2 2 6 7 10 1 3 - 2 1 36
# of New Library Materials 722 660 812 222 809 916 384 505 475 418 292 702 6,917
# of Library Outreach/Craft & Activity Kits Distributed 402 437 806 1,467 439 817 551 531 320 378 592 199 6,939
# of Calls for Service 9,721 8,324 9,301 8,926 9,777 9,339 9,345 10,306 9,564 10,301 9,434 8,434 104,338
# of Potholes Repaired 71 157 124 73 45 148 119 145 120 125 115 165 1,407
# of Asphalt Repairs (crack seal) 150,855 139,497 145,052 51,224 - - 45,659 123,521 222,800 261,554 134,374 54,867 1,329,403
# of Graffiti Abated Locations 1,303 663 968 1,030 944 1,054 1,238 797 1,055 1,109 900 811 11,872
# of Calls for Service/Work Orders Received 243 171 170 141 144 115 165 155 221 159 112 130 1,926
# of Curb Miles Swept through Street Sweeping Program 2,180 1,856 2,125 1,958 2,336 1,532 2,341 2,653 2,225 3,093 2,384 2,233 26,916
Calls for service/work orders received 208 183 81 166 272 350 350 121 138 211 113 110 2,303
# of Development Reviews Conducted 260 300 296 310 291 204 301 305 290 288 289 252 3,386
# of Inspections Conducted 1,146 950 1,072 1,008 1,053 914 1,052 958 951 1,088 883 911 11,986
# of Permits Issued 66 43 62 64 71 67 57 50 94 80 39 38 731
# of Centerline Miles of Roadway Striping 6 11 2 2 28 84 67 13 9 10 35 8 275
# of Traffic Signs Maintained 545 457 746 751 830 941 735 472 465 759 611 411 7,723
Peak Demand (reported in megawatts) 28.2 29.4 0 28 30 30 45 57 58.8 63 52.8 29.6 451.80
# of Planned/Unplanned Power Outages 0 0 0 0 7 12 32 33 34 30 33 14 195
# of Street Lights Knocked Down 0 0 0 0 630 0 1292 0 56 307 0 0 2285
# of Vehicles Charged (Fast Charged or Level 2 Charged) 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 6
# of calls received 1,684 830 791 3,722 4,411 3,519 4,929 7,004 6,930 7,102 5,621 3,140 49,683
**After Hours Callls 374 452 384 663 1,689 933 1,287 2,213 2,186 2,269 1,635 771 14,856